Can I do Bokashi composting in an apartment?

We love so many things about bokashi composting: it's an easy and accessible way to turn your food scraps (including meat, citrus, and cheese) into nutrient rich soil without creating greenhouse gasses or adding to a landfill.

And, best of all, size doesn’t matter. It’s possible to do bokashi composting in a container as small as a quart-sized mason jar!

Composting in an apartment doesn’t have to be smelly & messy. 

Other methods of composting often involve worms, bugs, and odors. Bokashi composting is bug-free and odors are kept inside an airtight container. You can add food scraps once a day or once a week, and there are no worms or bugs to contend with. Odors are minimal, and kept inside an airtight container.

Bokashi composting uses inoculated bran, a product you sprinkle on your food waste to help break it down. The bran also does a great job of reducing odors & absorbing moisture inside your bin. 

You don’t need a yard to use bokashi composting.

Bokashi composting containers fully ferment for two weeks after they’re filled to the top with your food waste. This allows the most recent food scraps to benefit from the developed microorganisms throughout the bucket, breaking down and fermenting your food waste, creating nutrient rich “bio pulp”.

There are a number of great ways to use this fermented bio pulp, even if you don’t have any yard space. 

  • You can add your fermented bio pulp to your complex or city’s community gardens

  • Share with a gardener friend

  • Connect with a neighbor on ShareWaste and drop off your bio pulp

  • Donate it to a nearby MakeSoil location (or start your own!)

  • Make a soil factory (see our DIY blog post!)

  • Use it in plant pots on your patio to make healthy, living soil for your summer veggie garden or flowers

Bokashi composting saves on trash space.

Food waste is the largest component of municipal landfills & releases methane, a powerful greenhouse gas (source: National Conference of State Legislature).

Bokashi composting means fewer trips to the community dumpster, saves landfill space, and doesn’t contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Since it’s an anaerobic process, Bokashi composting is one of the only composting methods that produces no methane gas. Not only are you making soil for yourself or others and boosting soil with life, but you’re also diverting many pounds of food waste from becoming a pollutant in your community. 

Did you know that the average person throws away 400 pounds of food every year?

You can personally help divert hundreds of pounds of food from becoming waste and transform it into resource.

Bokashi composting is easy, and just about anyone can do it.

Bokashi composting is an easy, fun, and family friendly way to turn food waste into a usable product without creating greenhouse gasses in the process. 

Follow the steps in our guide: How to Make a Bokashi Bucket.

It’s possible to use your own containers and make bokashi bran. At Garden of Oz we simplify the process for you and offer a complete kit to get you started with our Bokashi Buddy and Oz’s Bokashi Bran. We’re committed to your success in the garden, and passionate about Bokashi. 

At Garden of Oz, we’re passionate about reducing food waste, and we believe that gardens are for everyone. We’re here to support you throughout your composting journey.


How can I make a DIY Bokashi bucket?


To spigot or not to spigot?