Five Benefits of Using Bokashi Bran with Chickens

Our first backyard flock was named after the line up in “A League of Their Own.” There’s no crying in chicken coops. Backyard coops can benefit from Bokashi not just as a feed supplement, but also to help keep odors down in the bedding.

Happy Guts, Happy Birds

When it comes to raising healthy and happy chickens, gut microbiome plays a major role in their overall well-being and productivity as layers and meat.

While traditional chicken feeds provide the essential nutrients for your backyard flock, there's a massive body of research  around the use of Effective Microorganisms (EM) found in Bokashi bran in poultry nutrition that offers a multitude of benefits.

Bokashi’s blend of beneficial bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms can transform the way you raise your feathered friends.**

Let’s explore the top five advantages of incorporating EM into your chicken feeding regimen. To learn more, read the study we dug into that we based these 5 benefits on. 

1. Grow bigger birds that eat less & lay more 

  • Effective Microorganisms in Bokashi Bran improve the digestive process in chickens by breaking down complex feed components more efficiently. This results in better nutrient absorption and utilization.

  • Chickens fed with Bokashi bran often exhibit improved weight gain, enhanced egg production, and stronger overall health with lower mortality rates. 

  • Bokashi Bran contains probiotic effective microorganisms that support the development of a robust immune system in chickens.

  • A stronger immune system helps chickens resist common diseases and reduces the need for antibiotics. 

  • 2.   Less stinky poops

    • Bokashi EM can significantly reduce the unpleasant smells associated with chicken coops and yards.

    • This benefit not only enhances the quality of life for both chickens and their keepers, but also makes urban and suburban chicken-keeping more neighbor-friendly.

    3. Improved Gut Health:

    • Chickens often face digestive issues and imbalances in their gut microbiome. EM can restore and maintain a healthy gut environment helping chickens lay more, bigger, and healthier eggs.

    • A balanced gut microbiome contributes to better digestion, fewer gastrointestinal problems, and reduced susceptibility to infections. 

    • It’s no surprise that the same beneficial gut bacteria we love in yogurt, cheese, and sourdough help out our feathered friends (lactobacillus).

    4. Environmentally Friendly Practices:

    • Fewer chemicals and less feed support your sustainable backyard and homestead operations at every scale.

    • Reduced reliance on chemical additives and medications benefits not only your chickens but also the environment and surrounding ecosystems.

    5. Budget Friendly

    • Feeding Upcycled Bokashi to your chickens at a rate of just 1-3% of daily feed (which is between 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per bird) brings all these benefits and more to your backyard birds.

If you have chickens, you can use them to help in your food waste diversion. Do your research before throwing them all your scraps and know what is and is not safe to feed your flock.

Ready to Add Bokashi’s Effective Microorganismsi to Your Chicken Feed?

  • 1) Purchase a High Quality Bokashi Bran, teeming with good microbes. We know where you can find one.

    • Our Upcycled Bokashi is inoculated and fermented using 100% USA made ingredients diverted from the brewing industry, and formulated with a powerful EM formula. We always produce in a climate controlled environment and out of direct sunlight for the healthiest, most EM dense product possible.

  • 2) Mix up to 2% Upcylced Bokashi into your regular chicken feed (for a 20 lb bag of feed, you will need 2 pounds of Upcycled Bokashi). Gradually introduce the Bokashi to your chickens and increase up to 1-2% into their existing feed.

Incorporating Effective Microorganisms into your chicken-keeping practices can lead to healthier, happier, and more productive birds. 

**As with any dietary change, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian to ensure that EM is the right fit for your specific flock and production goals. With proper care and attention, your chickens can enjoy the many benefits of this natural and sustainable approach to poultry nutrition.


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